Saturday, July 25, 2015

New Pattern,The Sandy Blouse

  The Sandy Blouse is created (upcycled) from three dress shirts. 

Set yourself up for success with this Paganoonoo upcycling pattern! 

Save yourself time and aggravation; 
we've worked out all the kinks for you.  
Each step of deconstruction and reconstruction
is clearly defined and illustrated. 

What Paganoonoo customers say about using the patterns:
"Great directions - easy to use. 

I've made two of these shirts so far and 
have received lots of compliments!"

"Absolutely brilliantly clear & concise instructions"

"Amazing inspiration along with 
wonderfully helpful technical details."

Saturday, July 18, 2015

New Pattern! Double collar instructions.

Adding a double collar to an existing shirt gives it instant flair!

Take the guesswork out of the equation and save yourself time and aggravation. Leverage upcycler fashion designer Michelle Paganini's proven methods. 

This Paganoonoo pattern will guide you through every step of harvesting a collar from and existing shirt and transferring it successfully to a new shirt. Includes instructions for mismatched collar sizes.  

Upcycle sewing made simple. 

Purchase your copy today!*

*Already included in the Peggy pattern so no need to buy this if you have a Peggy pattern.

The complete Paganoonoo collection.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Cashmere in July? Ashlee Blouse


Off season is a great time to pick up out-of-season goodies like cashmere at the local thrift store.  What to do with it?

In this example the ribbing from the bottom of a sweater was used to form the band specified in the Paganoonoo Ashlee Blouse Pattern.  It was also used for the sleeve cuffs.

The color play is very subtle between the shirts so the addition of texture spiced things up a bit.

Happy upcycling!

Saturday, July 4, 2015

I did it again, red and cream oxfords! Happy Forth of July!

While I was in New York for the FIT Sustainable Fashion Summer Institute a couple weeks ago I went to Grand Central Station.  Breathtaking!

I was wearing a pair of Born oxfords that I'd painted red, leaving the original cream color for part.  Lo and behold I found a shoe shine stand that sold colored waxed laces.  I purchased a number of colors.  Here I am with one of my red laces on, one to go. 

 I was wearing grey, black and white so my red oxfords really popped.  All I need with them today is blue jeans. 
 Happy Fourth of July!

I painted the oxfords "Sassy Feet" style using Lumiere paints.