Michelle was invited to appear on It's Sew Easy and she answered with a resounding yes! She flew to Solon, Ohio in January and filmed 5 different segments on upcycling (her favorite topic!), 4 of which appear in series 1300 and one that will air in series 1400.

At this time (mid July 2017) episodes have already aired on TV in the United States and in some areas, not at all (SF Bay Area included). ISE is syndicated on PBS and local stations select when to air the episodes. To find out which stations in your area carry ISE, check here, or check your local online listings. After the whole 1300 series has aired on TV they will become available on the It's Sew Easy website.
These are Michelle's episodes:
Episode 1303 has tips on harvesting sewing notions from second hand clothes - more choices and often better prices!

Episode 1304 covers how to upcycle a double collar on a dress shirt. Full details of how to do this for any size dress collar combination are for sale at Paganoonoo's Etsy Store.

Episode 1305 has tips on 1) how to deal with itchy labels and retain your garment's full value, 2) how to upcycle a chemise for use with a blouse using a slip or nightgown, and 3) what to do about pesky zippers and buttons that undo themselves.

Episode 1312 covers how to add reverse applique to your upcycle for a design boost.

Angela Wolfe, fellow presenter, models a Paganoonoo Sandy Blouse. Michelle has on an oversized version of the same design rendered in neutral gray stripes.
Just prior to filming.
Prepping for episode 1312
There was definitely fun on the set, starting with fellow presenter Carolina Moore and Brother Sewing Machine Educator Kim Campbell photo bombing me taking a selfie in what felt like an inch of makeup, needed for HD TV.
Joann Banko, fellow presenter generously
shared a copy of her excellent book "Wrapped in Embroidery"
shared a copy of her excellent book "Wrapped in Embroidery"
Last but not least when I got off the plane there was a fresh undisturbed snowfall! Being a California girl I had to take a selfie with snow in the background. I also stomped around it it, LOL. Couldn't resist sending my husband a screenshot of the weather.
For the full lineup of the 1300 series episodes, including fellow presenters, check here. Episode photos courtesy of ISE.
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